pretty random post.
so i've gotten back my results.
goes without saying, flunged both tax and frs.
but i wasnt even at least affected by it.
in fact, i'm pretty glad to score a 45 for smth i didnt even touch lol.
but frs was a goner lah. like 18 marks. i wonder what are the passing rates this time round o.o
i'm looking forward to march holidays.
FINALLY being able to get out of singapore.
so excited! all the food, clothes, photos, ppl at tw :)
been spending alot of time on dota lately.
probably shouldn't make it a habit, but a leisure activity.
gotta spend more time on my piano.
work is fucking boring i tell you.
i do the same thing everyday zzz.
but oh well. for $$$ and experience.
i've been having all kinds of weird and stupid nightmares.
some said its a warning .______.
oh well. i hope the nicer dreams come back.
yupyup. oh, i cant wait for yellowcard's & PATD's albums to be released in a mth's time!!!
freaking awesome bands :D
and... i have many wants apparently.
gotta save more monehhhh.
lady luck has been with my family lately :)
hmmm. alright, gotta turn in.
til then!
1:04 AM
said i'm okay,
but i know how to lie.